Municipal Water Fluoridation - Minnesota Department of Health
- MDH is currently receiving comments on a proposed revision of the fluoridation rule, Minn. R. 4720.0030, subp. 2.
- The proposed draft rule seeks to replace three concentrations.
Groundwater Health Risk Limits - Minnesota Department of Health
- MDH proposed amendments to Minn. R. 4717 to revise the health risk limit rules for groundwater.
NorthMet Permit - Department of Natural Resources
- The comment period for the NorthMet site's permit is closing soon.
- The NorthMet site is linked to the MPCA's wild rice sulfate rule.
NorthMet CWA Section 401 Certification for USACE General Permits - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- NorthMet 401 certification is now open, and the comment period runs through March 16, 2018.
Wild Rice & Sulfate - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- In July 2017, MPCA proposed to change the rules related to the state's existing wild rice sulfate standard and wild rice waters.
- Among other things, the rule proposed to change the current 10 mg/L rule to an equation-based water quality standard that accounts for a number of factors, including the amount of iron in a body of water. The rule also proposed to establish a new classification specific to wild rice waters (Class 4D), distinct from the current classification within the broader Class 4 Agricultural and Wildlife class.
- On January 11, 2018, an Administrative Law Judge denied the MPCA's proposed rule changes.
Water Quality Standards and Tiered Aquatic Life Uses (TALU) - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency